Will you be faithful to fight?

The gates of hell have been opened on Earth. So, what are you going to do about it?

As I type this on October 14, 2024, massive wildfires, especially in Wyoming, are devastating the west (and somehow the media is ignoring it ( Google “Elk Fire”). In the Southeastern part of the US, hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes have recently pummeled Florida and wiped out entire Appalachian mountain towns.

America is facing crisis after crisis, seemingly with no end in sight. We’ve got an ongoing fentanyl crisis, a border crisis, a nationwide mental health crisis, and a communistic mind virus that is plaguing our youth and academic institutions. Some call it a “woke” mind virus. I see it as communism with a peculiar self-loathing for one’s own country, ethnic background, and values. I like to be specific.

Then, of course, there’s the fact that we are dealing with the soulless tyrants in our government, who say none of these things are happening, while they applaud all of it with “joy.” Because they are mocking our misery. It gives them a thrill. Why does it thrill them? Because that’s what evil is. They are not like you and me. Perhaps they aren’t even fully human at this point, who knows. But that’s a topic for another time.

Considering all of this, one is tempted to ask of God, WHY? Why is God allowing all of this to happen? It’s as though the gates of hell truly have opened, and demons rampaged in and are taking over.

So, why doesn’t God stop it? And why does it seem like half of the population is either asleep, or actively cheering it on? What happened to America, and are things too far gone for any hope of restoration? Will God save our country?

I have asked these questions of God many times, in many ways, and for many months now. This past week, as the wildfires increased and one broke out a bit too close to my home for comfort, I knew I needed to pray intensely, and I did.

I asked God to smother the flames, stop the path if destruction and to just…..please do something about it! And do you know what He said right back at me, very clearly?

“Why don’t YOU do something about it?”

Then I remembered, and knew what He wanted me to do.

God needs us to speak His words to fight back against darkness, and to change outcomes on Earth. Because the enemy is always on the prowl, looking for who he may destroy. But we have the authority over darkness. We exercise our authority by declaring God’s words and truth against forces of evil.

That is what we are on Earth to do. God will do something, He will deliver His people just like he always has since he brought His people out of Egypt. There are countless examples in the OT of God coming to our rescue. But we have a part to play in that, and that means we have to be faithful to fight.

The Creator did not make us and send us here to just sit around and be rescued anytime darkness rears its evil head. Not even close. He created light, and he created dark, and light ALWAYS overcomes darkness. But not from passivity, or pacifism, but by fighting back.

How do we fight? First we must acknowledge evil, and be willing to face it head on. Then we must armor up spiritually according to Ephesians 6. We put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, and feet fitted in the gospel of peace. Finally, we take up the Sword of the Spirit. The sword is, of course, God’s word.

When I wanted to put a stop to destruction coming near my home the day of the wildfire, I began by pleading the blood of Jesus over my home and my neighbors’ homes and the land and the animals and all the town. I called down Satan’s destructive agenda and rendered it null and void in the name of YESHUA (Jesus). I spoke God’s law into the atmosphere, because it says whatever we bind on Earth is bound in Heaven, and when we resist the devil, he is required by LAW to flee. I basically handed the enemy a cease and desist.

Is this a radical teaching? YES. Does this make people think you’re crazy if you follow it? YES. Was Jesus a radical? YES. Did the Pharisees consider him a nut? Absolutely. So, don’t worry about it, because you’re in good company.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. – Ephesians 6:12-13

And don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that praying and decreeing is all we have to do, but it is the main component. Remember, God created the Universe with WORDS. Words are powerful.

I realize that not everyone will accept this. Some even believe that the fires and the floods are God’s wrath against us because of our sins. But that is not the God I know. The God I know is ABSOLUTELY GOOD. He allows evil to happen, because he created us with free will. If he were in control of everything on Earth and never allowed evil, then humans would not have absolute free will. But we do. That is the Universe He chose to create, and even God Himself abides by its law. But He would never cause destruction, nor does He wish it upon us! The enemy of God is the one who desires chaos, misery, and death. Not God. Not ever. I will go more into that topic another time.

As an aside, if you have something in your life that is plaguing you, whether it’s sickness, a financial problem, a relationship problem, or whatever it is, and it is causing you any kind of suffering, first know that God is NOT punishing you, nor is He teaching you a lesson. Once you know this, you will be better equipped to confront the demons in your life. You just have to face them head on and say, “Hey, demons, get outta my business in the name of Jesus!” And by God’s LAW, they must go.

On a national and a global level, we need to step up and do our part in this great spiritual war. Start learning how God saved His people in the past, because the Bible is a living book, meaning that what has happened before, will always happen again. Go read the book of Exodus. Notice any similarities?

After you’ve read Exodus, and you know that GOD IS ABSOLUTELY GOOD, call on His help. Decree victory, peace, freedom and justice for America, and thank Jesus every day that the enemy is defeated. Because he is. Jesus defeated Satan at Calgary long ago. And we WILL win this current battle. You just have to be faithful to fight.

Do not think that I have to bring peace to the Earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Jesus Christ

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